The series unfolds across 10 episodes, chronicling the daily adventures of siblings Badr, Bodoor, and Badran as they navigate challenges with the aid of Cake Bar energy.
The collaborative project between Spacetoon and Almarai, Cake Bar and Heroes, has captured the attention of more than 6m viewers on YouTube, earning widespread acclaim across diverse audiences. This project marks the debut of the first-ever 3D animated series jointly produced by Spacetoon, Almarai, and Spark Foundry, the media agency for Almarai for the past 20 years, with a primary focus on showcasing Almarai’s renowned 7DAYS Cake Bar product.
The creation of Cake Bar and Heroes involved attention to detail, with extensive hours dedicated to crafting narratives deeply rooted in Arabic cultural heritage. This authenticity was further enhanced through the dubbing process at the Spacetoon studios. Employing precise technical methodologies, the visual aesthetics were refined to align with the aesthetic preferences of Arab children, ensuring a visually captivating experience.
Spanning 10 episodes, the series follows the daily escapades of siblings Badr, Bodoor, and Badran as they navigate challenges with the assistance of Cake Bar energy. This energy source not only fuels their endeavours but also unlocks a realm of joy and excitement. Each consumption of the Cake Bar propels them towards success, echoing their empowering motto, “More Energy, More Victory.”
Cake Bar and Heroes has been broadcast across various platforms, including Spacetoon TV, its YouTube channel, the Spacetoon Go app, and Almarai’s YouTube channel. Tailored for children aged four to 12, the series comprises bite-sized episodes, each approximately two and a half minutes in length, ensuring accessible content for its audience.