Abu Dhabi will be the first location for the filming of Indias ambitious mythological epic Mahabharata, starring Malayalee superstar, Mohanlal, Dr. B R Shetty, producer of the project announced earlier this week. Shetty, an Abu Dhabi-based Indian businessman has pledged USD 155m towards the project, which will include creating palatial sets and even a forest, […]
Abu Dhabi will be the first location for the filming of Indias ambitious mythological epic Mahabharata, starring Malayalee superstar, Mohanlal, Dr. B R Shetty, producer of the project announced earlier this week. Shetty, an Abu Dhabi-based Indian businessman has pledged USD 155m towards the project, which will include creating palatial sets and even a forest, with the aim of bringing to life the tales of the Mahabharat.
We will create a forest and I have already spoken to the film commission about it I didnt come here with any money, so every dirham and fils was earned here in Abu Dhabi for the last 43 years. This is my way to pay it back to this country, commented Dr Shetty.
The film is based on the 1984 Malayalam novel Randamoozham, by celebrated Indian M T Vasudevan Nair, who has also written the screenplay.
“I believe that this film will not only set global benchmarks, but also reposition India and its prowess in mythological storytelling. I am awestruck by the fantastic screenplay by M T Vasudevan Nair and I have tremendous faith in the ability of V A Shrikumar to paint this narrative on celluloid, Dr Shetty added.
The six-hour plus film will be rolled out in two parts, with the second part released three months after the screening of the first part.
Mahabharata will be made in three languages including Malayalam, English and Hindi and dubbed in most Indian languages. A star-studded launch with Malayalam superstar Mohanlal will be held in Abu Dhabi in August along with a reveal of the rest of the crew. The film is scheduled for release in 2020.