Qatar-based broadcaster Al Rayyan TV has recently ordered an OB van that will include Grass Valleys brand new LDX HiSpeed (LDX HS) cameras, which can shoot at three times the normal speed and are primarily designed for live sports and entertainment productions. The broadcaster previously tested the cameras for camel racing events. Al Rayyan has […]

Qatar-based broadcaster Al Rayyan TV has recently ordered an OB van that will include Grass Valleys brand new LDX HiSpeed (LDX HS) cameras, which can shoot at three times the normal speed and are primarily designed for live sports and entertainment productions. The broadcaster previously tested the cameras for camel racing events. Al Rayyan has also purchased a software licence to upgrade the LDX HS cameras to LDX XtremeSpeed (LDX XS), which will enable the cameras to shoot at six times the normal speed.
The LDX HS is the successor to the LDK 8300 cameras, which is presently used by customers such as Al Rayyan TV and Al Kass in Qatar. The LDX HS is built around three Grass Valley designed Xensium-FT imagers and is software-based, giving customers the opportunity to easily upgrade as and when they wish, commented Hassan Ghoul, Managing Director, Middle East at Grass Valley.
Customers also have the option to purchase temporary licences that give them access to the upgraded mode for a certain period of time or they may buy the permanent licence. It depends on how extensively they use the 6X speed mode.
These cameras work well in connection with the K2 Dyno replay system, which uses Grass Valleys K2 Summit 3G media server. K2 Dyno supports Grass Valleys high-speed slow-motion HD cameras for ultra slow-motion sextuple-speed (6X) and super slow-motion triple-speed (3X) acquisition. K2 Dyno can also playback at any speed from zero to 200% delivering live sports highlights and instant replays.
As the match is going on, the operator has the flexibility to slow the footage to the state of freezing it at any point, explained Ghoul.