The show presenters will go on a dash around The Dubai Mall’s Fashion Avenue, on a mission to style fashion influencer, Zena Louay.
In its latest episode, Arabic YouTube series Aya has collaborated with The Dubai Mall to send its presenters on a shopping spree. This episode promises to be unlike Aya’s usual challenge-driven episodes.
Aya presenters will go on a dash around The Dubai Mall’s Fashion Avenue, on a mission to style fashion influencer, Zena Louay. Part of The Dubai Mall’s Fashion Talks series, Aya presenters will be collectively challenged to put together the perfect outfit. However, they will each have to source a different element, from shoes to handbag, jacket and perfume. This episode aims to highlight the power of teamwork.
The episode will conclude with a grand reveal of the outfit at a restaurant in The Dubai Mall.
“Excited to be at one of our favourite shopping destinations, and collaborating our unique tastes to style Zena Louay. We can’t wait to indulge in some guilt-free luxury shopping at one of the world’s most famous shopping malls,” said Marwa Al Hashemi, Aya’s Emirati presenter.
Aya releases a new episode every Wednesday at 4 pm on its YouTube channel.