Blink Studios has launched an original animated childrens series produced in the UAE. Titled Karim & Noor the series debuted during Ramadan with additional seasons in the pipeline scheduled for release. A series of two-minute episodes explores the special relationship between Karim – an energetic, kind-hearted and creative seven-year-old boy, and a Lanbot – a […]
Blink Studios has launched an original animated childrens series produced in the UAE. Titled Karim & Noor the series debuted during Ramadan with additional seasons in the pipeline scheduled for release.
A series of two-minute episodes explores the special relationship between Karim – an energetic, kind-hearted and creative seven-year-old boy, and a Lanbot – a glowing lantern and robot all-in-one. The non-dialogue show reinforces social and emotional values through the special relationship shared between the two characters.
Karim & Noor is an original Blink Studios creation, which focuses on delivering high-quality content through a transmedia approach including both broadcast and online elements. Though inspired by the regions cultural nuances, the show is creatively developed and produced for a global audience.
We are confident that the series will delight and entertain children worldwide. Every episode introduces a funny yet simple storyline to highlight a value-driven message, such as, sharing, honesty, compassion, kindness, cooperation, acceptance of differences, and respect, to name just a few. says Nathalie Habib, Executive Producer at Blink Studios.
The series uses a short form video format, which is popular with online videos and builds massive viewership with young children. Multi-Channel Network Kharabeesh will be overseeing the channel management and audience reach on YouTube.
“We are very excited to have Karim & Noor join the Kharabeesh network. These intriguing characters have the potential to appeal to a universal audience, transcending the boundaries of language or even age, delivering positive social messages with lightheartedness, music, and high quality content.” said Hana Malhas, VP of Talent and Partnerships at Kharabeesh.
The animated series has music and sound effects created using Seaboard RISE instrument by Roli – an advanced instrument that uses the best in digital technology to deliver music and sounds.
Director at Blink Studios Hani Kichi adds: Music is a universal language and one that can engage millions. By using advanced technology, we are able to bridge East and West by delivering a show that carries messages and a language that transcend differences.