Saudi-based healthcare channel SEHA TV has contracted Dubai-based Advanced Media Trading to undertake a second studio project for the TV station following its success on the first. The new studio will include four Sony HXC-100 cameras equipped with three 2/3-inch type 2.2-megapixel HD CCD. “Based on Sonys HAD sensor technology and the latest on-chip […]
Saudi-based healthcare channel SEHA TV has contracted Dubai-based Advanced Media Trading to undertake a second studio project for the TV station following its success on the first.
The new studio will include four Sony HXC-100 cameras equipped with three 2/3-inch type 2.2-megapixel HD CCD.
“Based on Sonys HAD sensor technology and the latest on-chip lens structure, this new CCD offers a high sensitivity of F11 at 2000 lx,” explained Eng. Alaa Rantisi, broadcast engineer at Advanced Media. “A wide variety of capturing modes including 1080/50i and 720/50P are also supported.”
Advanced Media previously equipped a smaller studio for SEHA TV. This included six ENG cameras including the Sony HD XDCAM PMW-350 memory based camcorders, and the XDCAM EX PMW-350 shoulder-mount camcorder, fitted with 2/3 inch-type Exmor full HD CMOS sensors.
The distributor also equipped the cameras with Cartonis DELTA tripods that are designed to support ENG dockable camcorders or EFP cameras.
“The new studio is a 300 sqm HD studio, which will be equipped with Filmgear Tungsten Fresnel 600w, 1000w,2000w and COSMO fluorescent lights. If SEHA TV wants to use additional cameras in this studio, it can also use the studio-configurable PMW cameras that supplied in the first phase of the project,” added Eng. Alaa Rantisi, broadcast engineer.