The 30-episode Arabic drama series, Secret of the Nile, produced by Beelink Productions and Eagle Films Middle East, was launched globally on Netflix on March 15, 2018. The first Egyptian drama series available on Netflix, Secret of the Nile was first aired on TV channels in the MENA region during Ramadan 2016. The series won critical […]
The 30-episode Arabic drama series, Secret of the Nile, produced by Beelink Productions and Eagle Films Middle East, was launched globally on Netflix on March 15, 2018. The first Egyptian drama series available on Netflix, Secret of the Nile was first aired on TV channels in the MENA region during Ramadan 2016. The series won critical acclaim and several regional awards, that included the National Council for Human Rights Award:Outstanding Drama Production in the field of Human Rights 2016 (Egypt); Silver Award at Jordan Festival For Arab Media (Jordan) and Best Ramadan Series 2016 at Cabsat 2016 (U.A.E), among others.
When asked about the success of Beelink Productions, CEO Safa Abu Rizik said: Being a leader in the media industry in the Middle East and North Africa entails keeping up to date with all new programming, identifying global TV trends and monitoring hit formats. Our experienced team has excellent record of successful internal and external project implementation and execution. Our strength lies not only in identifying and adapting international hit series but also in finding and developing strong local concepts and scripts for television that excel in terms of technical and artistic quality. The companys main assets are its creative department and its list of high calibre collaborators. Both elements come together to combine experience and talent in a company determined to surprise and innovate in each project. Lastly, we are proud of our collaboration with Beta Film and we already have another great project / adaptation of one of Beta Films prominent series in the pipeline.