NOA has developed the mediARC system, which includes three fundamental areas of an archive project: metadata, media storage and conversion and workflows.
AV digitising and archiving specialist NOA has developed the mediARC system, which includes three fundamental areas of an archive project: metadata (description of the media content), media storage and conversion, and workflows (controlling, creating and processing information).
Archive storage is only as good as information retrieval and there is no point in storing anything if we cannot recover it later, said Christophe Kummer, NOA Managing Partner. Metadata is the key to asset retrieval, and NOA has gone to great lengths to make our database work with many different data types and metadata standards.
NOA technology has been installed in more than thirty international institutions, including Austrias ORF, Sweden Radio (SRF), Yleisradio Finland (YLS) and Vlaamse Radio-en Televisieomroep (VRT).
Open Archival Information System (OASIS), a framework designed to future-proof archives, is at the core of NOAs database design. Part of its application, the release states, is the use of open source resources, especially concerning video encoding, to ensure that archival content remains accessible for decades to come; open-source video codec FFV1 provides mathematically lossless intra-frame compression with competitive bit rates while ensuring longevity of archival content.
Integration of QC processes and metadata edit validation into production workflows is another core feature. Both mediARC and jobDB provide a flexible workflow engine, the company claims, which is used for all basic input/output tasks around the archive, including ingestion and exporting. Therein, workflows can be adjusted manually to create individual sets of specialised workflows.
NOAs systems scale to meet the needs of broadcasters as their libraries and archives expand, either in the broadcaster’s own datacentre or cloud.
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