It is the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation InternationaI's second installation of Etere this year.
Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation International (LBCI) has upgraded its archive system with Etere. Earlier this year, LBCI chose Etere as its preferred Channel-in-a-Box. After the roll-out of a project, LBCI is back with another installation of Etere, this time to manage its archive.
The project includes Etere HSM, Etere Media Asset Management, Etere Proxy Browsing, Etere Transcoding, Etere Broadcast Quality Player, and Etere Subtitles for Closed Captions.
Etere HSM supports proprietary and industry file systems, including Linear Tape-Open (LTO) storage, Sony Optical Disc Archive (ODA) storage, Disk Archive, Object Storage, and Cloud Storage. In addition, Etere HSM also streamlines metadata interchange between third-party systems. Etere HSM effectively manages an archive of critical data on the performance storage and a backup copy on the secure storage.
Etere Media Asset Management (MAM) streamlines the end-to-end content management process, including ingest, transcoding, content retrieval, metadata association, and asset distribution. With Etere MAM, users may generate multiformat files for delivery to various media distribution platforms.
Etere Proxy Browsing is an integrated browsing solution that allows Etere users to search, browse, select, or edit media clips with related secondary events.
Etere Transcoding provides unlimited format conversions in production, post-production, broadcast, and distribution environments.
Etere Broadcast Quality Player is a 4K player that offers broadcast quality video/audio monitoring, browsing, and playback combined with QC features, including full-resolution dual-monitor capabilities.
Etere Subtitles for Closed Captions provides all the software tools you need to manage the production, approval, and transmission of subtitling and closed captions. Users are able to monitor and verify captions from the centralised dashboard to comply with closed captioning laws across different countries.