The film follows the story of Shihab, the hustling, jaded, taxi driver, and Suhail, his dependent wheelchair-bound brother.
Netflix has released Hatem Hossam AlDeen’s feature AKH, the Arab world’s first-ever cosmic horror film.
Written and produced by Ahmad M. Hamada, the film tells the story of Shihab, a jaded taxi driver, and his wheelchair-bound brother Suhail. Their bond is put to the test during an ill-fated trip to the desert, where they encounter unsettling realities that challenge their perceptions of the world.
Directed by AlDeen, AKH features Hussain Al Haddad, Mohammed Noman and Eman Al Hussainy. Cinematography is by Mishary Al-Khawalid, with editing by Abbas Saeed. The film is distributed across the Arab-speaking region by MAD Distribution, with MAD World handling international sales.
AlDeen, a seasoned director and producer with over 20 years of experience, is also one of the founders of Dash Group. He has worked with major international brands on various creative projects, including TV commercials, documentaries, and feature films across Kuwait and the GCC.