The eight-episode fantasy drama follows the story of Sahsu, who finds herself in Mar, a community where the legend of Sahmaran is practised.
Netflix released the Turkish supernatural thriller Shahmaran (Şahmaran) on January 20, which has already on the streamer’s top 10 in 13 different countries including Egypt, GCC, and the Levant.
Directed by Umur Turagay and written by Pinar Bulut, the series stars Serenay Sarikaya, Burak Deniz, Mustafa Uğurlu, Mert Ramazan Demir, Ebru Özkan, Mahir Günsiray, Nil Sude Albayrak, Berfu Halisdemir and Mehmet Bilge Aslan.
Shahmaran is a Turkish series that is halfway between mythological, cultural, social and, even horror. It is about a rather special community of people who feel they are descendants of Sahmaran, which means they have a special destiny.
According to the legend in several cultures of the Middle East, especially in the Turkish area, Shahmaran is a mythical female creature, half woman and half snake, who lived in a beautiful garden underground. Her name comes from the Persian words “Shah” (which means “king”) and Maran (which means “snakes”). Since Shahmaran is female, she’s considered the Queen of the Snakes, as also the TV show mentions in the first scene.
The series follows Şahsu (Serenay Sarikaya) as she seeks to confront her grandfather about abandoning her mother. Going to Adana as a lecturer, Şahsu is determined to confront her grandfather, who left her mother behind years ago. On this journey, she finds herself in the middle of an unusual and mysterious community called Mar, descended from Shahmaran. Believing in the legend of Shahmaran, one of the greatest symbols of love and wisdom, the Mar race awaits the completion of the historical prophecy with the arrival of Şahsu. Nothing will be the same again when Şahsu’s path crosses with Maran’s.
Suzan Güverte and the production companies Tims & B Productions and Netflix produce the series.