Neutrik and Nicolas Kyvernitis Electronics Enterprises (NMK) recently hosted Neutrik OpticalCon Certified Seminar to educate the engineering team of Al Rayyan TV about on fibre connection technology. Conducted by Frank Studer, Neutrik Product Application Engineer and Pavel Aheuin, Neutrik Product Manager from NMK, the seminar focused on fibre optics theory on the first day. It […]

Neutrik and Nicolas Kyvernitis Electronics Enterprises (NMK) recently hosted Neutrik OpticalCon Certified Seminar to educate the engineering team of Al Rayyan TV about on fibre connection technology.
Conducted by Frank Studer, Neutrik Product Application Engineer and Pavel Aheuin, Neutrik Product Manager from NMK, the seminar focused on fibre optics theory on the first day. It included applications for transmitting and receiving audio, and video and communications. The second day of the training session featured a hands-on workshop that highlighted the NeutrikOpticalCon field assembly kit, where attendees were given the opportunity to improve their skills on terminating LC connectors, applying the rugged Neutrik OpticalCon connectors and testing the terminations.
Al Rayyan TV is Qatar’s satellite television channel that launched in 2012. Owned by the Rayyan Media and Marketing Company (RMMC), the channel seeks to focus on sustainable development and raise public awareness of a wide range of issues.
Commenting on the initiative, Aheuin said: The training has definitely raised the knowledge and awareness of Neutrik OpticalCON cables. Moreover, all attendees gained unique experience and the skills required for the fiber optics cable termination. The feedback was extremely positive!
He added: It was the first-of-its-kind OpticalCON seminar in the Middle East organised at the end users premises. Al Rayyan TV didnt have the means to send their broadcast engineers for any kind of training abroad due to the lack of spare time and traveling arrangements. NMK came out with a suitable solution. Our company is well known thanks to the individual approach to each and every customer and we are more than happy to arrange the same training for any interested TV Channel or integrator in the upcoming future.”