NMK Electronics has expanded its video division with a new hire.
NMK Electronics Trading LLC has appointed Lloyd Platt as Business Manager. He will be responsible for key growth strategies across projection, LCD, LED, signage, and technical video division.
Platt has over 16 years of industry experience and comes from the UK arm of the Midwich Group. He has a wealth of commercial and business development experience and aims to implement growth plans across an array of technologies by working closely with partners, resellers, and integrators.
In a statement, NMK said: “Demand for added value specialist distribution throughout the Middle East has grown, with NMK expanding geographically the demand for expansion of our video division comes not only from their partners but also stems from their strategic vendors. The video division is a key focus in conjunction with NMKs audio and unified communication divisions.”
Lloyd Platt added: “I’m thrilled to be working alongside the NMK team developing and growing an exciting division with strategic vendors that I’ve had the pleasure of working with for many years. I want to thank the support and trust from Alex and Dino as well as the wider Midwich Group colleagues on this new challenge.”