OSN Pehla has expanded its service with the addition of two more South Asian channels to its existing bouquet. Pakistans Geo News and Indias family comedy channel Sab TV have been added to increase its offering of South Asian language channels to more than 30. Pakistani channel GEO News provides news and current affairs in […]
OSN Pehla has expanded its service with the addition of two more South Asian channels to its existing bouquet. Pakistans Geo News and Indias family comedy channel Sab TV have been added to increase its offering of South Asian language channels to more than 30.
Pakistani channel GEO News provides news and current affairs in Urdu, while comedy channel SAB TV comes from India’s Multi Screen Media/Sony Entertainment TV stable. They join around 30 other South Asian channels catering for Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Tamil and Malayalam speakers living the in Arab world.
“Our launch on OSN Pehla brings us closer to our mission in the Middle East,” said Iman Aslam, President, GEO TV Network.
“With an estimated 1.8 million Urdu speaking expatriates in the region, GEO News is sure to become the expat’s window to their homeland to stay on top of local issues.”
Neeraj Arora, EVP and Head of International Business, Multi Screen Media, added: “We identified a unique offering in the South Asian television sector with SAB TV, which offers round-the-clock and original family comedy content. Our emphasis is to connect with families by providing innovative, light-hearted and clean entertainment.
“Our partnership with OSN will take SAB TV to a wider audience of not just Indians but people from across South Asia, who live and work in the MENA region.”
OSN says it also plans to add “several more channels” to the Pehla bouquet over the next few months.