Directed by Faris Godus and produced by his brother Suhaib Godus, the film premiered in cinemas across the kingdom during the Eid Al-Adha holiday this year.
Saudi feature film Shams Alma’arif (The Book of Sun) is now available for online streaming on Netflix, starting October 1.
Directed by Faris Godus and produced by his brother Suhaib Godus, the film premiered in cinemas across the kingdom during the Eid Al-Adha holiday this year.
Set in 2010, Shams Alma’arif follows the story of a high school senior Husam (Baraa Alem), who becomes interested in video production at the same time as the internet is creating social change.
Shams Alma’arif was supposed to premiere in March at the first edition of the Red Sea International Film Festival, but the festival was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Written by Suhaib Gudos, Faris Gudos and Hani Kadour, the film stars Suhaib Gudos, Baraa AlAlem, Ismail AlHassan, Ahmed Saddam, Nawaf AlShubaili, Eyad Ayman Kaifi.
The Godus brothers are best known for their projects such as Telfaz 11, as well as for creating the short film Depressing Scene (2016) and the Saudi Ramadan TV series Another Planet.
Netflix is also set to release Egyptian Original series Paranormal, which is based on Ahmed Khalid Tawfik’s 1980s and 1990s series.