Directed by Youssef Idris, the show is based on a short story by the late Youssef Idris.
Synergy Films has released a teaser for the upcoming series, Sero al-Batea (The Sultan’s Secret), which is set to debut this Ramadan drama season, according to a report by Egypt Independent.
The show, directed by Khaled Youssef, is set during the French campaign in Egypt which lasted from 1798–1801, with star Ahmed al-Saadani portraying a rebel fighting the French occupation.
The cast includes Khaled al-Sawy, Ahmed Abdulaziz, Hussein Fahmy, Ahmed Wafik, Salah Abdullah, Bayoumi Fouad, Amr Abdel-Galil, Afaf Mostafa, and Hala Sidqi.
The show is based on a short story by the late Youssef Idris, adapted to the screen by writer Khaled Youssef, with participation from Mostafa Ibrahim and Khaled Kassab.