The 3D animated series is directed by Saudi director Saad Aldouweghri, created by British creative director Leo Wilcox and written by Saudi writer Loulwa Alireza.
Toonz Media Group, has joined hands with Riyadh-based RFK Global, a 3D animation production studio, to distribute the new TV series MAI: The Teen Superhero Detective. The show is centred on a teenage girl with extraordinary superpowers. Set in a vibrant, futuristic world, this action-packed show promises to captivate audiences of all ages with its dynamic storytelling and cutting-edge animation. The series is directed by Saudi director Saad Aldouweghri and created by British creative director Leo Wilcox.
Acclaimed Saudi writer Loulwa Alireza, known for works like Ajwan (Shahid) and Mirlo & the Magical Opus, masterfully captures the everyday struggles of a superpowered teenage girl. Her storytelling poignantly addresses the societal challenges of self-doubt and mental awareness, making the show resonate with young audiences everywhere as they confront the intricacies of their world.
Integral to the series’ development is talented British writer Amelia Fergusson, known for her work on My Little Pony and Deer Squad. Her contributions to the script bring a rich, international perspective to the show, enhancing its appeal and depth. The show’s themes of resilience, identity, and overcoming adversity, combined with captivating adventures and contemporary Arabic elements, make it a must-watch for any animation enthusiast.
Commenting on the partnership, P Jayakumar, CEO, Toonz Media Group, said: “We are constantly seeking original content with global appeal that connects with audiences, regardless of their age or varied experiences. We are thrilled to have found a promising partner in RFK Global, showcasing impressive talent and a strong commitment to entertainment.”
Saad Aldouweghri, director of RFK Global, added: “We are thrilled to collaborate with our global distributors Toonz Entertainment to present our upcoming series, MAI: The Teen Superhero Detective, an exciting futuristic sci/action show, which follows the life and journey of the lead character, Mai – a quirky teen Arab superhero-detective.”