TSL’s new AVM-T-Mix – Touchmix is a new concept in audio management and monitoring. In the 2U form factor normally reserved for monitoring and measurement devices it adds a dual level, 10 channel digitally assignable mixer. Up to 64 audio inputs can be chosen simultaneously from SDI, AES and analogue sources. Much of the […]

TSL’s new AVM-T-Mix – Touchmix is a new concept in audio management and monitoring. In the 2U form factor normally reserved for monitoring and measurement devices it adds a dual level, 10 channel digitally assignable mixer. Up to 64 audio inputs can be chosen simultaneously from SDI, AES and analogue sources.
Much of the control uses a large 22:9 touchscreen display, which also provides dual bargraphs for the 10 channel inputs and master output.
Channels can be defined as mono, stereo or ganged together to provide LRC and 5.1 inputs, which are automatically down-mixed inside the unit.
A single rotary control provides channel or master level, and pan or stereo balance.
High quality stereo speakers are a feature of TSL’s range of rack-mounted audio monitoring range, and the Touchmix includes the latest ported design, providing excellent near-field reproduction and extended base response. The creative capabilities of the unit make it ideal for any front-line operation which involves a number of audio sources, from edit suites right up to large studio galleries.
Because it contains two complete mixers in the same device, the Touchmix can be used for dual operations. One mixer could be sub-mixing communications feeds for an earpiece, or providing a sub-mix for a voiceover session, while the other is providing the master audio monitoring function.
“We developed the Touchmix for a major broadcast project in the UK, which specified the operational capabilities when at the time there was nothing on the market which could do it,” said Martin Dyster, business development manager, Audio.
“We took that specification and developed it a little further, creating a product which we think will really excite the market when they delve into what it can do. The project which came up with the idea has ordered more than 80 Touchmixes and we are really looking forward to talking about its capabilities at IBC – you need to see it to understand the positive impact it can make to the broadcast production workflow.”