Turner has selected TiVo as its EMEA metadata distribution partner.
Turner has selected TiVo as its EMEA metadata distribution partner. Turner will utilise services from TiVos new studio, broadcast and network metadata packages to manage the companys electronic programme guide (EPG) metadata distribution and service, which covers 44 EMEA channels.
Todays consumers demand a fully connected entertainment experience to be able to discover and access content they want quickly and easily, said James Crossland, Regional Vice President, Technology and Operations EMEA and APAC, Turner.
When we were selecting a partner to enable our metadata distribution, TiVos global reach and long-standing experience working with the industry ecosystem made them the natural choice to power our services across Europe. We want to give our viewers a superior EPG experience when browsing our channels we see it as an integral part of our programme offering to them.
TiVo is providing metadata distribution services that distribute multiple formats where needed, said Roz Ho, senior vice president and general manager, metadata, TiVo.
Joining forces with Turner is a testament to TiVos technological capabilities in delivering solutions to help make TV and video viewing more enjoyable for their customers.