The Asia-Pacific broadcast and pay-TV sectors are experiencing significant growth, with OTT TV and video revenues expected to reach $18.4 billion in 2021, according to Digital TV Research. At BroadcastAsia2017, Broadpeak will address these trends through demonstrations of its latest innovations in CDN, video streaming, and video analytics solutions. Using Broadpeak solutions, content providers and pay-TV operators dramatically improve the user experience delivered over managed networks and OTT.
The umbrellaCDN CDN selector from Broadpeak allows content providers to choose the best content delivery network for delivering video content. Through an advanced new capability of umbrellaCDN, called CDN Diversity, content providers can dynamically take into account the instantaneous quality of several CDNs as a service to combine their contributions and deliver the content with a quality exceeding what would be achievable with the best CDN.
Broadpeak is transforming multiscreen video delivery with its new standalone video analytics solution. Using this solution, content providers can gain insight into the QoE perceived by end-users by leveraging critical information such as start-up time, stall durations, rebufferings, and user engagement.
Broadpeak will demonstrate several new capabilities for its nanoCDN multicast ABR technology at BroadcastAsia2017. nanoCDN multicast ABR makes live HTTP video delivery to any device truly scalable by turning millions of broadband gateways, cable modems, Wi-Fi routers, or STBs into active components of an operator’s content delivery infrastructure. Leveraging home networks, operators can cost-effectively manage the consumption peaks of live multiscreen services for millions of simultaneous viewers using only a few megabits per second from their network.
At BroadcastAsia2017, Broadpeak will show zero latency for live video streaming. Compared with other solutions on the market, nanoCDN multicast ABR dramatically reduces latency for live video streaming on every screen.