The upgrade to the company's cinematic content server for LED volumes and virtual production will be shown at the 2022 NAB Show.
Mo-Sys Engineering has announced that its cinematic content server for LED volumes, VP Pro XR has been upgraded to incorporate multi-camera switching.
The upgrade fully orchestrates multi-camera switching to overcome the typical five-six frame refresh delay experienced by all-LED volumes when switching between cameras, said the company.
Designed specifically for use with LED volumes, with or without set extensions, VP Pro XR delivers cinematic standards for LED virtual production.
Michael Geissler, CEO of Mo-Sys, said: “Switching between multiple cameras pointing at an LED volume presents a challenge. While the camera outputs can be switched in one frame, the virtual scene displayed on the LED volume typically takes five-six frames to update. This means on every camera switch there will be five-six frames of the previous camera’s virtual scene displayed on the LED volume, before it updates with the correct perspective view for the new camera. Effectively you get a background flash on every camera switch, which is unusable in production.”
With a new version of the software for VP Pro XR, and the addition of a simple Black Magic Design video switcher, VP Pro XR will now orchestrate the delay between the operator switching between cameras, and the LED volume updating with the correct perspective view of the live camera. Importantly, it will do this at up to the full UHD4K resolution of the LED processor input, whereas previous workarounds would reduce the resolution of the content to HD to achieve the same outcome.
Geissler added: “Full resolution multi-cam switching is yet another unique feature of VP Pro XR joining Cinematic XR Focus for pulling focus between real and virtual elements, and NearTime for solving real-time VFX graphics quality. This follows on from the Cinematic XR objectives originally outlined when we launched our LED content server system last year.”
Mo-Sys multi-cam switching for VP Pro XR is available now.
Stand C6127