RED Digital Cinema has unveiled the latest addition to its line of professional cameras, RED RAVEN. Weighing in at just 3.5 lbs, RED RAVEN is suitable for shooting for documentaries, online content creation, indie filmmaking, or with drones and gimbals. Pricing for RED RAVEN starts at $5,950 for the camera BRAIN only, with complete package options available […]
RED Digital Cinema has unveiled the latest addition to its line of professional cameras, RED RAVEN. Weighing in at just 3.5 lbs, RED RAVEN is suitable for shooting for documentaries, online content creation, indie filmmaking, or with drones and gimbals. Pricing for RED RAVEN starts at $5,950 for the camera BRAIN only, with complete package options available for under $10,000. RED RAVENs announcement reflects REDs ongoing commitment to the belief that cinema-quality creative tools should not be in the hands of a few they should be available to all professional shooters.
RED RAVEN is equipped with a 4K RED DRAGON sensor, and is capable of recording REDCODE RAW (R3D) in 4K at up to 120 fps and in 2K at up to 240 fps. RED RAVEN also offers incredible dynamic range, REDs renowned colour science, and is capable of recording REDCODE RAW and Apple ProRes simultaneously ensuring shooters get the best image quality possible in any format.
RED RAVEN will begin shipping in February 2016. Deposits for the camera are being accepted directly through the RED website or with authorised dealers. In the UAE, the booking orders may be placed with Advanced Media, a RED authorised dealer in Dubai. Customers can choose to purchase the BRAIN only and build a kit that best fits their needs, or choose a complete package. The RED RAVEN Base I/O Package offers everything content creators need to take their productions to the next level of image quality and professionalism, while the RED RAVEN JETPACK Package is specifically designed for use with handheld gimbals, drones, jibs, and cranes.