Jordan Radio and TV Corporation to broadcast school lessons on sports channel
The move comes in response to the Jordanian government's decision to close schools across the Kingdom as a preventive measure to contain the coronavirus pandemic.
The move comes in response to the Jordanian government's decision to close schools across the Kingdom as a preventive measure to contain the coronavirus pandemic.
Jordans state radio broadcaster, JRTV Corp., will revamp its existing radio automation and broadcast installations with NETIA Radio Assist 8. NETIA will provide the organisation with state-of-the-art production, scheduling, workflow ...
Hitachi Kokusai Electric Turkey Systems has delivered a new satellite news gathering (SNG) transmission uplink vehicle to Jordanian state broadcaster, Jordan Radio and Television (JRTV).Throughout this project, Hitachi Kokusai Electric ...
JRTV's HD OB van.Jordans state broadcaster, JRTV, recently acquired its first high definition OB van. Built to the latest broadcast specifications, the vehicle is expected to ...