Dish is Alive
Show Profile
Show title: Dish is Alive
Run time: Paper Format
Producer: FormatEast
Cast: 2 Hosts + 6 Celebrity Chefs + 4 Judges
Exec Producer: IlJoong Kim
Writer: HyoJin Kim
Genre: Entertainment
Demographics: All ages
Full synopsis:
Full synopsis: Everyone would have once dreamed of eating food from an animation or from a cartoon.
Company Profile
Company name: FormatEast
Company Profile:
FormatEast, a 100% subsidiary company of SBS, was founded in December 2018 to create more business opportunities, to expand the market for Korean creators, and to become a Hub of Format IP Development and Distribution. FormatEast is one of the official operating companies of the “KOCCA Format Lab Project”, which is a government-funded project with the objective of creating new Korean original entertainment show formats.
Address: 161, Mokdongseo0ro, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, 07996, Republic of Korea
Telephone: +82 2 2113 3263
Fax: +82 2 2113 3249
Company website:
Company Youtube Channel URL:
Contact Details
Contact 1
Name: Iljoong Kim
Title: Executive Director
Contact 2
Name: Fay Zhang
Title: Producer